Sunday, December 2, 2012

Time To Get Back Up to Date

Well, I totally epically failed at ever updating my blog, didn't I?  And just wait until you guys see all my youtube videos.  I epically failed at my 365, as well.  One big hot mess of epic fail! WTF FOR THE LOSE OMFGLMAOROTFCRYING.

Let's get you caught up, shall we?

I started school here in Hawaii after getting several shots.  I haven't had
a shot since I got stabbed in the chest with a pencil! Either instances sucked.
I hate needles.  Unless it's a tattooing needle. ; )  I also learned how to
take the public transit!  Shocking!

I got to four thousand tweets in Nov. 2012... There were a lot A LOT of out takes and bloopers
from this video, but I wasn't allowed to make ten minute videos back then so I had to
try and limit it down as much as possible.  But some time after this, YouTube decided
that I can bore your lives with even LONGER videos of silliness!

Then my boyfriend at the time had called it quits simply because I requested
you know, one hour of his week to spent talking to me.  And instead
of scheduled call happening, see he decided to have a midnight BBQ
with all of his friends instead.  So yeah, I went a wee bit psycho on him.
But you can't argue with people who are in denial that they were willing
to put in the effort of a relationship, but when it actually came down to
it, no... indeed they were NOT ready.  But this was last year.  It made
me stronger.  Yet again.

I started doing fun things in school for extra credit and something to do,
keep my mind off of my loneliness and broken heart.  First Fridays are
the only events we as students really get to set our talents wild!  Fantasy
hair and make up, costumes galore, music, runway, dancing, and drinking!

Christmas comes around and I am starting to make new friends and family
in school with my class mates.  We have a secret santa and potluck lunch.
And two other classmates and myself decide to feed some of the homeless
that lurk around Chinatown. ♥

And I get drunk and decide to wrap presents! Dressed as a bass loving

I put on an event for New Year's at this jazz bar called The Dragon
Upstairs.  It went down in absolute flames! But I still managed to
have a good night.  Thanks to a SHIT LOAD of booze.  And I made
the often mistake of mixing vodka and whiskey.  Yep, super drunk.
And confess my 'undying love' for my ex.  Oh booze, you silly loose
lips maker!

In light of the new beginning I vowed for myself by moving to Hawaii,
and for the new year of the Dragon, I decided to give modeling a chance
again.  Even though walking a runway makes me want to puke from nerves!
So, January comes around and I am volunteered to be Babydoll from Suckerpunch
in First Friday Movie Mash Up.  Guest videographer being my sister.

Brother came from home to visit us! And I decided to really hit the deep
end in my depression and we all make up a drinking game! In which I'm
the test rat.  Let's just say, I only really remember this night because I
filmed some of it and my brother and step dad filled in the rest.  I pretty
much blacked out before the monkey bars.  I ended up sleeping under
the car port that night. I do remember crying that my mom would be upset
if I threw up in the house! Ha, ha.  Even when I'm wasted, I'm super
considerate of my mama. ♥

Suddenly my life has meaning again when I really start to venture into the
life I've always wanted when I do my first on-set photo shoot styling with
the talented photographer Sara Anslow. (Check her out on facebook!)

I started playing hooky from school and hang out with a boy that I really
start to like.  This is the first day he convinced me to do something fun.
And in reality, I was the one who suggested it!  The Waikiki Zoo is
actually really cool.  It's surprisingly big considering we live on an island.

In May, I have really gotten into doing special events.  I even got my own
group together for a Zombie First Friday theme. ♥ I have always wanted
to do fake blood and the dead look!  For my first time, I learned a lot and
had super mucho fun.  I really had a group of friends to help me, as well.
And simply beautiful models!

Summer is getting near and the Bear and I really are starting to like each
other.  We even got to show one of his friends from back home around
the island. Kailua beach and Waimea. If you ever get to check out a tourist
spot on the island, I highly suggest Waimea Valley. ♥

My hair is so disgusting from bleaching so much the past year and then
from sea salt, oceany time, ELEMENTS! I decide to have Chloie chop
it all off in a very posh, modern design I came up with.

July 21st, my friend from beauty school, died in a tragic accident. Rest
in peace, Frannie my dear.  You were a beautiful woman, just really
misunderstood and alone in the world. ♥

Mid-August I finally graduated from beauty school in only eight months!
All of my hard work finally paid off.  I even got THE owner of the school
to do my graduation speech.  Later, my three best buds and I went to
my favorite Chinatown bar and I got swasted.  Super swasted.  Also by
now, Bear and I had become an official couple that many people were
jealous of. HA!

August 24th I celebrated my first complete year in Hawaii! Naturally
I had to go to the beach and throw my first lei back into nature.  Circle
of life style.  I love Hawaii and despite all of my ups and downs, I would
never NOT move to Hawaii if given the option.  I love it here.

In September, we get an adorable, ditzy puppy that takes us a while to
name. She's super cute and well mannered.  Just love the puppy.  I
also got a job at a salon, receptionist work until I complete training. And
Bear and I celebrate one full month of not killing each other in our relationship!

Halloween time again! A fricking tsunami comes to town to ruin all of our
street festival fun!  So luckily, because we're all good students and cool
with the owner of the school, we all hang out there with him and my homegirl
Leesha! So, even though it didn't go as planned and practically no one
got to see my amazing (and expensive) costume, we still had a lot of fun.

And then November comes, again, and I end up alooooooone.  Just short of our four month
anniversary no less, Bear and I make an adult decision.  We were having a difficult time.
I was getting antsy and wanted to live together, he wasn't ready to commit and used any
excuse in the book.  And let's just say we were having some family problems that didn't allow
us to focus on OUR problems as a couple.  And what happens when other people try to make
your business theirs?  Suddenly you don't have a relationship between a man and woman (or manxman, womanxwoman), you have group therapy instead.  So, we decided we weren't exactly going down
the same path any more now that we weren't in school together.  We call it a 'break' sometimes,
but mostly it's a 'break up'.  I don't know, I don't understand it.  We're still hanging out and
doing 'friend dates'.  But to tell the truth, it's really weird and kinda depressing to go from
making out with a person you love, to only giving them awkward hugs.  Ha, ha.  And of course
Zoola was super sick and just decided to be sick all over my bed!

Little did I know that this was the first week of a whole month full of
only getting ONE day off a week. And not only do I only get one day off
a week, but I usually use my one day off to further my education or make
MORE money to make up for the money I don't make because I'm only
a receptionist under thirty hours a week!  It's so insane!  I work so much.
But only for like five hours or there.  They over work me, but have found
an awesome way to NOT pay me like I do. Hahaha.  And training is getting
extremely frustrating.  I thought I could handle being someone's assistant,
but I don't feel like I'm learning anything.  I feel I'm just doing someone else's
job for less pay than I am worth. HMPH.

Thanksgiving time! At least in this video I seem a little happier.  Finally
getting back to normal feeling.  Still lonely for sure, but it's something I
usually get use to after two or so months.  And I got to spend Thanksgiving
with my family and dog.  And a delicious bottle of champagne!  Thanks to Aaron
for getting me into THAT at least! JK.  Everything Aaron got me into
is awesome. Bahaha.


To say that my moods swing like a fucking swing would not be a lie.
Ha ha. I'm still struggling here and there, especially with the threat of
sending my doggy away!  It's like, fuck man! Get rid of my boyfriend
against my own will, get rid of my dog against my own will, get stuck
working at the fucking nail kiosk against my own, and ruined my bangs!
And the sad part is, all of this is just decisions because I am an adult and
I am facing my problems FINALLY instead of running from them or pretending
they don't exist.  I already did that for a good portion of my adult life, time
to step up and fix things how I want them!

WELL! That's it!  The last three videos are the latest ones!  All up to date and what not.  Of course I skipped a lot in between because this post I only wanted to give you the highlights (and low lights, haha) of what's been going on as viewed in my 365 project.  : ) But now that blogger has an app, I will HOPEFULLY do more blog posts.  I really want to get into it and share things that I do.  Like art projects, hair projects, events, ideas, thoughts on life!  Who cares!  I like the gift of sharing, haha! ♥  Well, I think that is all I have for now!  I've got a lot more things to do on this big wide world of web!  I'm actually thinking about opening an shop!  Just for a little pocket change here and there to support my shopping addiction.( o____o Nothing will support that though except maybe Bill Gates ;] )

Until next time lovers!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yay! Good to see you blogging again dear! I've linked you in my side bar <3